Module freya::elements

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Elements, attributes and events definitions.



  • image element let’s you show an image.
  • label simply let’s you display some text.
  • paragraph element let’s you build texts with different styles.
  • rect is a generic element that acts as a container for other elements.
  • svg element let’s you display SVG code.
  • text element is simply a text span used for the paragraph element.


  • The click event will fire when the user clicks an element with the left-click.
  • The globalclick event will fire when the user clicks anywhere with the left-click.
  • The globalmousedown event will fire when the user starts clicking anywhere with the left-click.
  • The globalmouseover event will fire when the user moves the mouse anywhere in the app.
  • The keydown event will fire when the user starts pressing any key.
  • The keyup event will fire when the user releases any key being pressed.
  • The mousedown event will fire when the user starts clicking an element.
  • The mouseenter event will fire when the user starts hovering an element.
  • The mouseleave event will fire when the user stops hovering an element.
  • The mouseover event will fire when the user moves the mouse over an element.
  • The pointerdown event will fire when the user starts pressing an element.
  • The pointerenter event will fire when the user starts hovering/touching an element.
  • The pointerleave event will fire when the user stops hovering/touching an element.
  • The pointerover event will fire when the user hovers/touches over an element.
  • The pointerleave event will fire when the user stops hovering/touching an element.
  • The touchcancel event will fire when the user cancels the touching, this is usually caused by the hardware or the OS.
  • The touchend event will fire when the user stops touching an element.
  • The touchmove event will fire when the user is touching over an element.
  • The touchstart event will fire when the user starts touching an element.
  • The wheel event will fire when the user scrolls the mouse wheel.